The Commission encourages reformed CAP with more than 3 million euros

The European Commission has published a call for proposals aimed at increasing knowledge of the common agricultural policy through measures aimed at strengthening information aspects of this area in the European population.

Farmers or farmer organizations, consumer associations and environmental protection, public authorities of Member States, media and universities are eligible for such aids for measures of information on the Common Agricultural Policy

The Commission has issued a call for proposals,  published in the OJEU of September 9th, with a total budget of 3.25 million which intends, among other things, to raise the general public's awareness of the CAP(including rural development dimension) in the States members, to discuss the EU policy on agricultural product quality and deal with farming communities and the medium and long term development propects for the CAP with agrucultural skateholders and the general public.

TV and radio campaigns; exchanges and information visits; visual, radio and audiovisual productions and distribution thereof; Information stands at agricultural fairs; activities at schools and universities, conferences, seminars, workshops, etc. will be funded by this call.

Those interested in this competition should send their proposals by 31 October 2009 to:

European Commission

Unit AGRI. K.1

Call for proposals 2009 / C 215/04

For the attention of Mr H.-E. Barth

L130 4/148A

1049 Brussels


Just as a digital copy of the proposal to