José Manuel Barroso proposal for the mandate of the next European Commission

The President of the European Commission has sent the President of the European Parliament a document which specifies the objectives that he believes should guide the partnerships between the Commission and Parliament during the next 5 years. It says that "Europe is facing stark choices in today's interdependent world. Either we work together to rise to the challenges. Or we condemn ourselves to irrelevance. I will redouble my efforts to make an ambitious Europe happen. A Europe that puts people at the heart of the policy agenda and projects European values and interests in the world. A Europe that nurtures new sources of growth and drives forward smart regulation of sound markets that work for people. A Europe of freedom and solidarity."

For reaching the targets set aims at reforming the EU budget in full and work closely with the European Bank and the private sector.

The letter from the President of the European Commission is based on the Europe that is expected in the year 2020. Barroso says Lisbon strategy should be revised to suit the objectives of Europe in the long term. Among the issues to be resolved include:

The crisis: "The priority now is to continue to sustain demand and stem the rise in unemployment. This means implementing the European Economic Recovery Programme with vigour, keeping interest rates low, and using our state aid rules to support governments in their efforts to revitalise the economy without adverse effects on other Member States. It is too early to withdraw these stimulus and support measures to the economy and the financial sector, but an exit strategy must be prepared."

Climate change: "Europe stands to benefit enormously from investing in new low carbon technologies for future jobs and growth. Fighting climate change and the move towards a low carbon economy provide huge opportunities for business and people and will enhance our energy security." "The next Commission needs to maintain the momentum towards a low emission economy, and in particular towards decarbonising our electricity supply and the transport sector "

Growth and social cohesion: "In order to ensure that the EU exploits this potential for change and remains an attractive industrial location in 2020, we need a fresh approach to industrial policy, supporting industry, putting the emphasis on sustainability, innovation and the human skills needed to keep EU industry competitive in world markets."

Agenda for a changing workplace: "We need to make sure that our values of inclusion, equity and social justice are carried forward into a new approach" "If globalisation puts pressure on our competitiveness, our response should never be to lower our standards. Rather we need to make the case to other partners to adopt similar standards, in the interest of their own wellbeing, and to continue to advocate decent work and other standards in all parts of the world."

Global markets: "Openness is critical to Europe's future competitiveness. This is not just a question of political preference. It is in our self-interest as the world's leading exporter."

Networks of the future: "The next Commission will develop a European Digital Agenda to tackle the main obstacles to a genuine digital single market, promote investment in high-speed Internet and avert an unacceptable digital divide." The letter also mentions the creation of a European super-grid for electricity and gas.

Global Europe: "The Lisbon Treaty, if ratified, will give us the tools to open up a new era in the projection of European interests worldwide."

The Council cofirmed Barroso as Commission President for the second time in July.