The Nobel Peace Prize will fund four aid projects within the EU Initiative “Children for Peace”
The president of the European Commission announced that the prize money from the Nobel Peace Prize that was recently awarded to the European Union, will be used to help 23,000 children affected by wars and conflicts in the world. The decision was unanimously taken by the Presidents of the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament.
The prize money coming from the Nobel Peace Prize granted to the European Union will be used to fund four projects under the EU Children of Peace Initiative. These funds will be completed by additional EU funding. The Presidents of the three EU institutions have taken this decision highlighting that the Nobel Price should be dedicated to those who are the most vulnerable and in most occasions most severely beaten by wars and conflicts.
The projects that will receive these funds will provide assistance and protection to more than 23,000 children worldwide. These actions undertaken within the EU Children of Peace Initiative will not be limited to these four actions, they steadily continue and will receive new funds next year in order to fund new actions to protect children in areas of conflict.
Projects financed by the money received from the Nobel Prize include the assistance to 4,000 children found Syrian refugees in camps on the border between Iraq and Syria, more than 5,000 children in Colombia, most of whom are refugees in Ecuador, the 11,000 Congolese children displaced to the eastern province of the Democratic Republic of Congo and refugees in Ethiopia and the 3,000 Pakistani children that are in the conflict zone in the north of the country.
In order to carry out these projects, the European Commission will collaborate with some of its humanitarian partners. UNICEF will implement the project in Pakistan, Save the Children and the Norwegian Refugee Council will work with children in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia, UNHCR will provide assistance in Colombia and Ecuador, and ACTED, a French organization, will deploy its activity in the Domuz refugee camp in northern Iraq.