EESC tackles elder abuse

This report published should seek to take stock of the current position, setting out prevalence rates and providing information on the various kinds of abuse involved, as well as causes and risk factors. The study should cover care provided both at home and within an institutional setting.

Demographic projections indicate that the number of people in Europe aged 65 and over is set to increase significantly by 2050 (by 58 million, or 77 %). That increase will, in relative terms, be most marked among the very old (people aged 80 and over). This trend has an impact on daily life in many fields and poses particular challenges in virtually all policy areas.

Available data indicate that older people are frequently subject to sometimes extreme abuse, but that, apart from some exceptional cases, such abuse remains hidden from view. Findings of a representative survey conducted in 2006 in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland of over 2,000 people aged 66 and over living in private households (including sheltered housing) show that, overall, 2,6 % of those questioned reported that they had experienced mistreatment involving a family member, friend, or care worker during the past year. That figures rises to 4 % if the prevalence of mistreatment is broadened to include incidents involving neighbours and acquaintances. The predominant type of mistreatment reported was neglect, followed by financial abuse, psychological and physical abuse and (least frequently) sexual abuse.


  • The study should seek to correlate the scale of risk facing older people.
  • Along with their legal position and the options open to them for assistance and support .
  • With the provisions in place to tackle child abuse.

More information
On the 24 and 25 October 2007, the European Economic and Social Commitee held their 439th plenary session on Preparatory Acts concerning the Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on ‘Elder abuse’ (2008/C 44/24). The Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship,  was responsible for preparing the Committee's work on the subject. Official opinins were published in the Official Journal (OJ) of the European Union on the 16th  February 2008 (C 44)