Permanent Representatives Committee of the Council agreed to a recommendation establishing youth guarantee schemes

The Council recommendation that aims to ensure that all young people under the age of 25 who lose their job or do not find work after leaving education quickly receive a good-quality offer of employment, continued education, an apprenticeship or a traineeship, the so-called "youth guarantee" schemes, was approved by the Permanent Representatives Committee.

A recommendation to establish "youth guarantee" schemes was approved by the Permanent Representatives Committee of the Council. The approval means that the recommendation will be formally adopted by the Council at a later stage. Although not a legally binding act, the recommendation reflects a strong political commitment by the member states. In February 2013, the Youth Guarantee proposal moved forward following Council agreement.

The recommendation sets out guidelines for the implementation of youth guarantee schemes, focusing in particular in actions such as partnerships between public and private employment services, employers, social partners and youth representatives; outreach strategies towards young people, especially the most vulnerable ones; support for the integration of young people into the labour market by enhancing skills, encouraging employers to offer young people jobs and promoting labour mobility; assessment and continuous improvement of the schemes; and the use of the available EU funds to support the establishment of the schemes.

According to the Council, the "youth guarantee" is intended to provide for a smooth transition between school and work, support labour market integration and make sure that no young person is left out. It aims to ensure that all young people under the age of 25 who lose their job or do not find work after leaving education quickly receive a good-quality offer of employment, continued education, an apprenticeship or a traineeship.