Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/184 of 12 February 2021 amending Decisions 2009/813/EC, 2009/814/EC and 2010/429/EU and Implementing Decisions 2012/82/EU, 2012/83/EU, 2012/347/EU, 2013/649/EU, (EU) 2015/683, (EU) 2015/684, (EU) 2015/685, (EU) 2015/686, (EU) 2015/687, (EU) 2015/688, (EU) 2015/689, (EU) 2015/693, (EU) 2015/695, (EU) 2015/696, (EU) 2015/700, (EU) 2015/701, (EU) 2015/2279, (EU) 2015/2281, (EU) 2016/1216, (EU) 2016/1217, (EU) 2017/1207, (EU) 2018/1111, (EU) 2018/2045, (EU) 2018/2046, (EU) 2019/1307, (EU) 2019/1308, (EU) 2019/1309, (EU) 2019/2083 and (EU) 2020/1360 as regards the authorisation holder and its representative in the Union for the placing on the market of products containing, consisting of or produced from certain genetically modified organisms (notified under document C(2021) 826)

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