EU News - 10 January 2011

EP Financial, Economic and Social Crisis Committee to visit Portugal and Spain

The European Parliament's Special Committee on the Financial, Economic and Social Crisis will visit Lisbon and Madrid between 11 and 13 January to assess the impact of the debt crisis and debate possible ways out with national politicians, economic stakeholders, industry and social partners. The delegation will meet political representatives and citizens to gather facts for the Committee's report on the Financial, Economic and Social Crisis (CRIS), to be completed in July 2011.

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What has it been for Haiti one year later?

On 12 January 2010 a 7.0 magnitude earthquake mainly destroyed the capital of Haiti, Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas, striking government facilities, key infrastructure and the areas with the greatest concentration of population. This event, together with several other difficulties, have marked the last year making Haiti a unique case in complexity to deliver aid in an environment characterised by numerous logistical, infrastructure, social and political challenges.

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EU researchers conclude that tighter controls reduce tobacco consumption

New EU funded research findings on smoking and European measures to control it show quite clearly that the ban on smoking in public places helps to reduce tobacco consumption. However, the study also stresses that such measures are just a part of the public policies which have to be put in place and should be accompanied by other actions such as price hikes, banning advertising and promotion, as well as information and warnings for consumers and support for smokers leaving the habit.

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Digitisation of Europe's cultural heritage, a "New Renaissance” bringing new opportunities

The Comité des Sages set on the Digitisation of Europe's cultural heritage delivered on 10 January the results of the assessment made over the previous months, highlighting the need to step up efforts to put online the collections held by Member states in all their libraries, archives and museums. The report stresses the benefits of making Europe's culture and knowledge more easily accessible, also underlining its potential economic benefits for the development of innovative services in sectors like tourism, research and education.

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President Barroso stresses the need for Europe to take action and envisage serious reforms

Following the meeting of the European Commission with the Hungarian Presidency, President Barroso expressed Commission's readiness to work hand in hand with Hungary's presidency to make this semester a success for the European Union. In President Barroso's view there is an urgent need for serious and joint reforms to be taken, both at national level and at the European level. During this meeting Prime Minister Orban also expressed Hungary's commitment to take all the necessary efforts to work with the Commission and clear any legal issues regarding the new Hungary media law.

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