Mayors of EU capital cities welcomed Commission's initiative to open a direct dialogue with the capital cities

In a declaration endorsed by mayors of EU capital cities, they welcomed the initiative of the European Commission to open a direct dialogue with the capital cities and to give EU cities a higher profile as direct partners for the EU. Mayors agreed that capital cities are the laboratories where solutions to the EU's social and economic problems must be found.

Mayors of EU capital cities signed a declaration that welcomes the initiative of the European Commission to open a direct dialogue with the capital cities and to give the cities a higher profile as direct partners for the EU. In the declaration, they highlighted that capital cities are drivers of innovation and smart growth, and often provide the core for education and scientific networks. In March 2012, European regions and cities committed to make cities greener, more socially inclusive and more competitive.

In the light of current discussions on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020, mayors of EU capital cities believe that urban challenges have to be addressed in an integrated way, tackling the economic, environmental, social, cultural and demographic dimensions together. They also underlined that future EU policies and actions should bear in mind the urban dimension.

Concerning the legislative package on Cohesion Policy, they welcome the Commission's willingness to test new ideas and ways of working through the proposed urban innovative actions. The text also stressed that the Commission's proposals for greater delegation of management to cities, including the management of EU Structural Funds, are vital to ensure urban challenges are well understood and implementation matches real needs. Mayors also agreed that the priority topics targeted by the draft regulations (energy efficiency, renewable energies, youth unemployment, innovation and SMEs competitiveness) are strategic issues for EU cities.