The innovation divide between member states is widening
The results of the European Commission Innovation Union Scoreboard 2013 show that while the most innovative countries have further improved their performance, others have shown a lack of progress. Sweden remains at the top, followed by Germany, Denmark and Finland. Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia are the countries that have most improved since last year.
The European Commission published that results of the European Commission Innovation Union Scoreboard 2013 show that innovation performance in the EU has improved year on year in spite of the continuing economic crisis, but the innovation divide between member states is widening. The results of the Scoreboard published in February 2012 showed that firms' innovation activities stand out as an important factor to achieve top positions at EU and international level.
According to the Innovation Union Scoreboard 2013, innovation leaders are Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Finland, which all show a performance well above that of the EU average. Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, the UK, Austria, Ireland, France, Slovenia, Cyprus and Estonia all perform above the EU average. Classified as moderate innovators are Italy, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Greece, Slovakia, Hungary, Malta and Lithuania perform below the EU average. The performance of Poland, Latvia, Romania and Bulgaria is well below that of the EU average.
The Commission also stressed that the fall in business and venture capital investment over the years 2008-2012 has negatively influenced innovation performance. At the same time that the Scoreboard, the Commission has published the State of the Innovation Union report that shows that the Commission has already largely delivered on the Innovation Union flagship commitments.