€65 million from EU funds to support Kosovo's efforts to implement its EU-reform agenda

The European Commission announced the allocation of €65 million to support Kosovo's efforts to implement its EU-reform agenda. In particular, the funds will be used for reforms of the justice and public administration systems, investments in education and regional development, and to provide housing and job opportunities for Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian families who are currently living in lead-contaminated camps.

€65 million will be allocated as announced by the European Commission to support Kosovo's efforts to implement its EU-reform agenda. The funds will be used for reforms of the justice and public administration systems, investments in education and regional development, and to provide housing and job opportunities for Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian families who are currently living in lead-contaminated camps. They will also help boost private sector development by providing support for SMEs and strengthening Kosovo's trade capacities. In October 2012, European Court of Auditors found that EU assistance to Kosovo in the field of the rule of law had not been effective.

The Commission also highlighted that the programme will also help respond to political priorities that need financial support for their implementation, such as the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, the strategic review of EULEX, and the visa dialogue.

Since 2007, countries wishing to join the EU have received focused EU funding and support through a single channel – the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). The total pre-accession funding for the period 2007-2013 is €11.5 billion. The funding earmarked today comes under the 2013 Annual Programme for Kosovo of the EU's Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), and will be topped up with an additional €12.5 million of co-financing by Kosovo authorities and other donors.