Twelve priority actions to boost a deeper and better integrated single market

The European Commission presented the Single Market Act II with the aim to boost a strong, deep and integrated Single Market. The Act II includes twelve priority actions which are concentrated on four main drivers for growth, employment and confidence: integrated networks, cross border mobility of citizens and businesses, the digital economy, and actions that reinforce cohesion and consumer benefits.

The Single Market Act II, which includes twelve priority actions for new growth, was presented by the European Commission. Single Market Act II follows in the footsteps of a first set of measures presented by the Commission in 2011 - the “Single Market Act I”- and represents a new chapter in a process towards a deeper and better integrated single market.

This Act includes measures which focus for example in efficient and fully integrated transport and energy networks are the backbone of the single market. Also the Commission believes that free movement across borders is at the very basis of a single market and one of the foundations of the European Union. In addition, with its economic weight and important spill-over effects, for example in terms of productivity and resolving societal challenges, the digital economy revolution remains an opportunity that cannot be missed. Social entrepreneurship, cohesion and consumer confidence are also key points. The success of the single market is also a result of the economic and social participation it can generate.

The European Commission underlines that the completion of the Single Market is a continuous exercise and is a central element of the European growth agenda to address the current economic crisis. For this reason, the Commission will put forward all key legislative proposals of the Single Market Act II by spring 2013 and the non-legislative ones by end 2013. The European Parliament and Council are called upon to adopt legislative proposals as a matter of priority by spring 2014.