Brussels finance information activities for young people using 900,000 euros

The European Commission, via the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, have launched a Call for proposals for projects supporting information activities for young people and youth workers. The calls for proposals, framed within the ‘Youth in Action’ programme, will dispose of a budget of 900,000 Euros.

This call for proposals seeks to support projects that draw the attention of young people and youth workers to information and communication actions with a European accent. Proposed projects must result in a greater provision of quality information and improve young people's access nationally and at European level to information and various communication outlets. Overall, these projects shall seek to encourage involvement by young people in public life and to facilitate the realisation of their potential as active, responsible citizens.

Preference will be given to innovative and wide-ranging projects focussing on subjects that are topical or of interest to young people or youth workers, and which reflect the priorities of the ‘Youth in Action’ programme, namely:

  • Participation of young people.
  • Cultural diversity.
  • European citizenship.
  • Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities.

Proposals must be submitted by non-profit-making organisations, non governmental organisations, or by local or regional public bodies, that are endowed with legal personality and were legally established at least one year before the date of submission of their application in one of the countries covered by the programme. These include Member States of the European Union, the countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) which are parties to the agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA): Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and Turkey.

Budget and duration of projects

The total budget allocated to co-financing projects under Call for proposals for projects supporting information activities for young people and youth workers is set at 0.9 meuros. Financial assistance from the Agency may not exceed 80 % of a project's total eligible expenses. The maximum grant per project may not exceed EUR 100,000.

Project activities must start between 1 January 2009 and 31 March 2009. Projects must run for at least 12 months but no more than 18 months.

The deadline for applications must be sent to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency by 30 June 2008.

Additional information

The full version of this call for proposals and the application forms are available on the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency's website.