Call for proposals EaSI 2016 - Information sharing and outreach activities to young people about the Youth Guarantee VP/2016/008 Closed!


 One of the objectives of the EaSI PROGRESS axis is to facilitate effective and inclusive information-sharing, mutual learning and dialogue and as such this call for proposals has the overarching objective of removing obstacles to Youth Guarantee implementation, notably by outreach, information sharing and communication activities leading to both of the following specific objectives:

  1. To better inform/engage Youth Guarantee Stakeholders in implementing partnerships for Youth Guarantee delivery
  2. To better inform young people about the Youth Guarantee, engage with and reach out to them, with the aim of bringing them into the Youth Guarantee service


The types of activities which may be funded under this call for proposals include:

Under objective 1:

  • actions aiming at the creation and improving of networks, cooperation mechanisms and exchange of good practices among Youth Guarantee provision and governance stakeholders.
  • conferences, seminars;
  • training activities.

Under objective 2:

  • Outreach, information sharing and communication activities related to the Youth Guarantee (inter alia):
    • development and maintenance of a devoted national Youth Guarantee online platform (for example a website or a part of existing website), which provides regular updates on the state of play of Youth Guarantee implementation in the country, and especially where young people can find out about the opportunities available to them under the scheme (what, how, when) and where they can register. Each applicant whose Member State has not yet set up such an online platform/website should include this activity in the proposal. Revamps or major extensions of existing platforms are also eligible.
    • The identification, documentation and dissemination of at least 5 case studies/testimonials highlighting a success story of a person who has benefited from the YG programme, ideally covering the different types of quality offers (education, traineeship, apprenticeship and job opportunities). Each applicant whose Member State does not yet have such case studies/ testimonials at their disposal should include this activity in the proposal.
    • development and use of existing national 'own media' portals;
    • social media communication;
    • advertising (including digital) and ambient media;
    • press and media relations;
    • distribution of information and materials via existing networks in touch with young people, such as the Eurodesk 20 network of multipliers;
    • peer-to-peer outreach (involving young people e.g. as youth ambassadors);
    • events, street outreach and visits and activities in youth centres.

European community funding

The Community provisional funding available for the call for proposals is:

  • 1,65 Million EUR (Global Budget)

All the important deadlines

  • 30 June 2016 - 8 years ago (Deadline for the presentation of proposals)

Further information about the call

Official webpage of the call

Useful documents

  • Call for Proposals (Legal base)

Organisations eligible to participate

Opened to the following bodies or institutes with legal status established in the covered areas:

  • Any legal organisation

Covered areas

Bodies or institutes must have their registered legal seat in one of the countries taking part in the Programme which are:

  • European Union (EU)

Directorate-Generale responsible

Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

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