Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity 2007-2013 Progress Closed!


1. Pursues the following general objectives:

  • To improve the knowledge and understanding of the situation prevailing in the Member States.
  • Support the development of statistical tools and methods and common indicators, where appropriate broken down by gender and age group.
  • Support and monitor the implementation of Community law.
  • Promote networking.
  • Enhance awareness.
  • Boost the capacity of key European level networks.

2. Gender mainstreaming shall be promoted in all sections of and activities under the Programme.

3. The results achieved in the Programme sections and activities shall be disseminated to those involved and to the public as appropriate. The Commission shall conduct exchanges of views with the main stakeholders as appropriate.


The Programme is divided into the following five sections:

  1. Employment;
  2. Social protection and inclusion;
  3. Working conditions;
  4. Antidiscrimination and diversity;
  5. Gender equality.

European community funding

The Community provisional funding available for the programme is:

  • 683,25 Million EUR (Global Budget)