TSE testing for sheep and goats for human consumption aid scheme

The European Commission (EC) has released information from European institutions and bodies regarding the Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty Cases where the Commission raises no objections (2008/C 97/01). One aid scheme focused on was the TSE testing for sheep and goats for human consumption scheme.

The TSE testing for sheep and goats for human consumption aid scheme that was adopted on the 4th December 2007 will provide aid in the form of subsidised services to the agricultural sector  in England. The scheme will function nation wide complimenting other more focused aid schemes to have come out of the EUropean Union recently. The TSE testing of sheep and goats fallen stock, concerned with the control of animal diseases was published on wednesday 16th 2008.

The legal basis for the scheme is Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22nd May 2001 laying down rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. The granting authority DEFRA (Department of Food and Rural Affairs) will dispose of an overall budget of 6,300,000 Pounds (9,58 million EUR) and is due to last until 1st of March 2014. The annual budget works out to be 0,9 million Pounds (EUR 1,37 million).

What is DEFRA?

DEFRA (Department of Food and Rural Affairs), which is based in Westminster, London, is a UK Government Department, with the overarching challenge for Defra is to enable everyone to live within our environmental means. Its mission is to enable everyone to live within our environmental means. This is most clearly exemplified by the need to tackle climate change internationally and through domestic action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to secure a healthy, resilient, productive and diverse natural environment.