A system to connect government in Europe

The European Commission has created an information network for exchange of data accessible from the Internet, allowing inter-administrative cooperation in the internal market, by allowing direct communication electronically.  It will be through an r ed European authorities and the development of an electronic multilingual information exchange.

System Internal Market Information (IMI) is used increasingly in all areas of internal market legislation and prevent the proliferation of systems of cooperation between different Member States for each subject.

The Internal Market Information system (IMI) is being developed to improve communication between Member State administrations. It is an electronic tool that provides a system for the exchange of information so that Member States can engage in more effective day-to-day co-operation in the implementation of the Internal Market legislation.

IMI is meant to help overcome important practical barriers such as different administrative and working cultures, different languages and a lack of clearly identified partners in other Member States. Its aim is to reduce administrative burdens and to increase efficiency and effectiveness in day-to-day co-operation between Member States.

It can be used by the state administration, regional and local levels, and professional associations. The normal workflow is a competent authority finds another of the Administration or the State concerned and sends a request for information. The authority consulted receives and accepts the request for information and transmits its response through the system to the requesting authority.

IMI is designed as a general system to support multiple areas of internal market legislation and it is envisaged that its use will be expanded to support further legislative areas in the future.