Open Days is not just about the Conferences
When the working day is over, networking is not ended yet. Events such as the Concert and Official Reception as well as regional events such as the North East England Office Official Reception which took place at the NEEO, are the occasion for delegates and people coming to Brussels from their regions to interact and exchange views and experiences applied within their areas.
The Open Days 2009 Programme has been eager to offer many possibilities for delegates coming from regions all over Europe to open the debate at any corner. Spaces such as the Meeting Place are the place to have informal meetings, find the occasion to find partners for new projects and continue discussions which may arise after conferences and workshops.
Regions also work hard in providing these kind of spaces and opportunities with initiatives such as the North East England Office in Brussels Reception, hosted by NEEO with the support of the regions participating in the consortium led by Stockholm Region and deputy-led by the Veneto region.
UK and EU key experts such as Sir Kim Darroch KCMG, UK Permanent Representative to the EU, Fiona Hall MEP, Leader of the UK Liberal Democrats in the European Parliament, Cllr Cyndi Hughes, Member of the EU Committee of the Regions, and Andrew Kerr, Chair, North East England European Strategy Group, were invited to address some of the main issues at stake at the Open Days as it is the case for economic development, regional policy, low-carbon and energy efficiency, skills and inclusion. Again, this gave one more opportunity for people taking part in the Open Days 2009 to meet and debate their own approaches to common challenges.