Design awards with EESC Design Zeronine

The Economic and Social Council of the European Union will announce on September the 29 winners of the first European Design Award for Design Zeronine EESC Sustainable Present among the more than 100 projects submitted.

In the framework of European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009, the Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has held a contest that called professional designers and design students to submit ideas for innovative design and product development, focusing on energy and climate change and encouraging sustainable environmental protection. The idea was to motivate citizens to actively participate in saving the planet.

Over 100 projects, primarily designed for young people from 24 states, have been presented. The winning design will be produced in Europe by the EESC as a promotional gift and as a communication tool designed to combat global climate change. It is part, therefore, of the EU strategy that aims to promote research and innovation as drivers of sustainability and as a tool to fight against climate change.

A European jury will select the winners on September 28 and their names will be announced next day at the headquarters of the EESC. The awards consist of $ 10,000 for the winner, and 4,000 and 2,000 for the second and third classified. The winning project will be produced in the EU according to criteria of sustainability and creativity, with the EESC who bear the costs.

This is the first year that the Economic and Social organizes this EESC Design Zeronine Award