The Right2Water European Citizens' initiative obtains 1 million signatures

According to the European Commission, organisers of the Right2Water initiative have announced that they have collected more than one million signatures. This means that it could be the first European Citizens' Initiative to succeed in collecting the necessary number of statements of support. This initiative seeks to invite the European Commission to 'propose legislation implementing the human right to water and sanitation as recognised by the United Nations, and promoting the provision of water and sanitation as essential public services for all'.

The first European Citizens' Initiative to succeed in collecting the necessary number of statements of support could be closer because organisers of the Right2Water initiative have announced that they have collected more than one million signatures. They invite the European Commission to 'propose legislation implementing the human right to water and sanitation as recognised by the United Nations, and promoting the provision of water and sanitation as essential public services for all'. Since April 2012, the European Citizens' Initiative has started to be operative.

For initiatives that have collected at least one million signatures, achieving the minimum number required in at least seven Member States, the Commission will have three months to examine the initiative and decide how to act on it. However, before submitting their initiative to the European Commission, the number of statements of support they have collected will have to be certified by the competent authorities in the Member States.

The organisers could submit their initiative to the European Commission, but they have chosen to continue collecting signatures. They will also have the opportunity to present their initiative at a public hearing organised at the European Parliament once the Commission confirms its validity. The Commission will then adopt a Communication explaining its conclusions on the initiative, what action it intends to take, if any, and its reasoning.