€10 billion invested in sustainable energy by the EBRD since 2006

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) announced that its investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy have reached €10 billion since the launch of its Sustainable Energy Initiative (SEI) in 2006. SEI has financed 552 projects ranging from the insulation of a nursery in Slovakia to energy efficiency credit lines in Turkey.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development announced that its investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy have reached €10 billion since the launch of its Sustainable Energy Initiative (SEI) in 2006. The project that brings the total of EBRD SEI financing to €10 billion is the new 53 MW Kukinia wind farm in Poland. For example in 2009, Poland signed its first Green Investment Scheme with Spain.

The EBRD also highlighted that sustainable energy investment could be significantly boosted with an improvement in policies and regulations including: cost-reflective pricing; setting standards for equipment that promote the use of high-efficiency appliances, machinery and vehicles; and providing appropriate incentives to further investment in developing and deploying high-efficiency solutions where the price mechanism may not be sufficient.

SEI has financed 552 projects ranging from the insulation of a nursery in Slovakia to energy efficiency credit lines in Turkey. The total value of projects where the EBRD has invested under the Sustainable Energy Initiative since 2006 is over €55 billion. The Bank aims to invest a further €5 to €6 billion in this area in the period 2012 to 2014.