Call for Proposals Erasmus+ - Key Action 3: Support for policy reform - Social inclusion through education, training and youth EACEA/05/2016 Closed!


An application submitted under the present call must mainly address one of the two following general objectives, which should be indicated in the application form:

  1. Preventing violent radicalisation and promoting democratic values, fundamental rights, intercultural understanding and active citizenship
  2. Fostering the inclusion of disadvantaged learners, including persons with a migrant background, while preventing and combating discriminatory practices.

Furthermore, each proposal must address at least one and maximum three of the following specific objective(s):

  1. Improving the acquisition of social and civic competences, fostering knowledge, understanding and ownership of democratic values and fundamental rights;
  2. Preventing and combating any form of discrimination and segregation in education;
  3. Promoting gender equality in the learning environment, combating gender stereotypes and preventing gender-based violence;
  4. Enhancing access to quality and inclusive mainstream education and training with a focus on the needs of disadvantaged learners;
  5. Fostering mutual understanding and respect among people with different ethnic or religious backgrounds, beliefs or convictions, including by addressing stereotypes and promoting intercultural dialogue;
  6. Enhancing critical thinking, cyber and media literacy among children, young people, youth workers and educational staff;
  7. Creating inclusive and democratic learning environments;
  8. Supporting teachers and educators in handling conflicts and dealing with diversity;
  9. Preventing radicalisation in prisons and closed institutions;
  10. Encouraging youth participation in social and civic life and developing inclusion and outreach practices to reach young people;
  11. Facilitating the acquisition of the language(s) of instruction for newly arrived migrants;
  12. Assessing knowledge and validating prior learning of newly arrived migrants;
  13. Enhancing the quality of non-formal learning activities, youth work practices and volunteering.


The activities to be financed under this call may include (not exhaustive list):

Strand 1 — Transnational cooperation projects

  • Cooperation/partnerships and networking models which involve combinations of relevant (public/private) stakeholders across different sectors;
  • Adapting learning practices, tools and materials, including curricula and course design;
  • Conferences, seminars, workshops and meetings with policy and decision makers;
  • Assessing, sharing and validating good practice and learning experiences;
  • Training and other capacity-building activities (e.g. for teachers, youth workers, local authorities, prison staff, etc.);
  • Supportive approaches and outreach practices from young people to young people;
  • Targeted awareness-raising and dissemination activities including information material and effective communication strategies;
  • Operational or policy recommendations in the field of education, training and youth that are relevant to the objectives of the Paris Declaration;
  • Evaluation activities.

Strand 2 — Large-scale volunteering projects:

  • Voluntary activities of young people aged from 17-30 resident in an eligible country with duration from 2 to 12 months;
  • Targeted awareness-raising and dissemination activities, including information material and effective communication strategies;
  • Conferences, seminars, workshops and meetings with policy and decision makers;
  • Operational or policy recommendations in the field of volunteering that are relevant to the situation of newly arrived migrants;
  • Supportive approaches and outreach practices addressing young people from disadvantaged groups;
  • Evaluation activities.

Strand 3 — Networking of Erasmus+ National Agencies

  • Targeted awareness-raising and dissemination activities, including information material and effective communication strategies;
  • Conferences, seminars, workshops and meetings with policy and decision makers;
  • Assessing, sharing and validating good practice and learning experiences;
  • Cooperation/partnerships and networking models which involve combinations of relevant (public/private) stakeholders across different sectors;
  • Developing learning practices, tools and materials;
  • Draw up policy recommendations and best practice examples;
  • Supportive approaches and outreach practices addressing young people from disadvantaged groups;
  • Training and other capacity-building activities for organisations/institutions including youth workers and volunteers;
  • Integration of tried and tested innovations/good practices into local, regional, national and European systems and their mainstreaming;
  • Grass-root youth work and volunteering activities for testing the gathered knowledge;
  • Evaluation activities.

Under Strand 1 and 3 only activities taking place in eligible countries will be considered eligible for funding. Under Strand 2, only activities taking place in EU Member States will be considered eligible for funding.

European community funding

The Community provisional funding available for the call for proposals is:

  • 13,00 Million EUR (Global Budget)

All the important deadlines

  • 30 May 2016 - 8 years ago (Deadline for the presentation of proposals)

Further information about the call

Official webpage of the call

Useful documents

  • Erasmus+ Call - Social inclusion through education, training and youth (Legal base)

Organisations eligible to participate

Opened to the following bodies or institutes with legal status established in the covered areas:

  • Any legal organisation

Covered areas

Bodies or institutes must have their registered legal seat in one of the countries taking part in the Programme which are:

  • European Union (EU)

Directorate-Generale responsible

Directorate-General for Education and Culture

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