Call for Proposals - Support for information measures relating to the Common Agricultural Policy - CAP 2012 PAC 2012 Closed!


This is a call for proposals for funding information measures within the meaning of Article 3(1) of Council Regulation (EC) Nº 814/2000 from appropriations in the 2013 budget. This call for proposals concerns information measures to be imple­mented (including preparation, implementation, follow-up and evaluation) between 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2014.

The proposed projects should seek as objectives to:

  • ensure better public understanding of the CAP, in particular in the context of the proposals for reform,
  • show the role of the CAP in the development of growth that is intelligent, sustainable and inclusive as set out in the Europe 2020 strategy,
  • improve the understanding of the Common Agricultural Policy’s contribution to guaranteeing European citizens healthy and quality food production, to preserving the environment and to helping develop rural areas in the European Union,
  • stimulate public interest in the role of farmers, agriculture and rural development in our society by promoting agricul­ture's multiple roles and show the contribution of the CAP by supporting farmers, agriculture and rural development in the European Union.


The integrated communication campaigns should have a significant impact that can be measured through external and internal objectively verifiable indicators, and the information actions should take the form of extensive information campaigns including one or several of the activities listed below:

  • Production and distribution of multimedia or audiovisual material.
  • Production and distribution of printed material (pub­lications, posters, etc).
  • Setting-up internet and social network tools.
  • Media events.
  • Conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Events type ‘city farm’ which help to explain the importance of agriculture to the urban population.
  • Events type ‘open doors’ aiming at showing to the citizens the role of agriculture.
  • Static or mobile exhibitions or information points.

European community funding

The Community provisional funding available for the call for proposals is:

  • 3,00 Million EUR (Global Budget)

All the important deadlines

  • 30 November 2012 - 12 years ago (Deadline for the presentation of proposals)

Further information about the call

Official webpage of the call

Useful documents

  • Call - Support for information measures relating to the CAP 2012 (Legal base)

Organisations eligible to participate

Opened to the following bodies or institutes with legal status established in the covered areas:

  • Public authorities (all)
  • Universities

Covered areas

Bodies or institutes must have their registered legal seat in one of the countries taking part in the Programme which are:

  • European Union (EU)

Directorate-Generale responsible

Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

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