Relevant contents for your organization in one place
Browse Euroalert EU FUNDING NOW Browse Euroalert EU LAW NOW
Browse Euroalert EU FUNDING NOW Browse Euroalert EU LAW NOW
Browse Euroalert EU FUNDING NOW Browse Euroalert EU LAW NOW
... and the new Euroalert 10ders coming soon ...
Use your time to make your business grow.
in one place.
in your email
based on data.

Want daily updates?: EUROALERT NEWSLETTER
The Customized Newsletter on EU information provided by, is an information service which allows you to receive in your email new contents about the European Union that are relevant for your activity.
Thanks to this customized newsletter you will receive in your mailbox up to date information about new funding opportunities for your projects through EU calls for proposals, as well as the legal provisions published in the Official Journal of the EU.
By setting a profile with the contents and criteria which are relevant to your activity, you will get the most accurate results and receive only relevant information.
- Customized profile
- Only relevant information
- Choose periodicity
- Comprehensive database
- Daily Email alerts
- Do not miss opportunities
- No keyword limits
Euroalert is the best one stop shop to get updated information about all EU funding opportunities: JOIN EUROALERT NEWSLETTER NOW: +34 91 119 69 77
Need updated contents for your website? Use EUROALERT WIDGETS
For a small subscription fee, it is possible to display contents, continually updated, on your organisation's website.
Using the programming language that you choose, it is possible to display, filter and sort the contents without having to store them on your own database.
This subscription allows you to remove any supplier branding and to deploy through private non-pay websites (e.g. corporate Intranet). The service does not allow for the storage and redistribution of contents for profit.
- Easy installion
- Always updated
- Value for your users
- Not branded
- Multi-lingual contents
- Track users with analytics
- Looks like you produced the contents
- Customized layout
Euroalert widgets save time for over a hundred organizations across europe: JOIN EUROALERT WIDGETS NOW: +34 91 119 69 77